In Apps

How to: Build your own App within 10 Minutes

Posted by: on Jan 14, 2012 | One Comment

You know how it is sometimes: You sit on the sofa and on one screen you “watch” a movie or something else and on the other side of the screen you scroll through your information channels.

And on one of this nights I found a Tweet from Saetchmo, where he was linking to his own App which looks lovely. I responded immediately and asked him a lot of questions, who did it, was it expensive, how long did it go, which systems… etc.. The only answer he gave me was a URL. And here you go, create an account and within 10 minutes you have your Web-App ready to download and save on your mobile screen.

The only thing you need is CONTENT. This can be your blog, Facebook page, Soundcloud, you tube channel, your twitter updates, pictures and many many more things:

conduit moibile app pages

Nearly everything can be customized even the appearance of the logo and the text. You can see immediately how your changes will look like:

Add and change content - conduit mobile

You also can submit the App to the relevant stores you just need a developer account. For my purpose now its enough to have it as a web app only. But if they agree that I can publish it with a friends developer account, I will of course will send it to all different stores:

conduit mobile app - publish to all stores


Until it will be available in the stores conduit lets you use it as a simple web app. It generates a QR-Code (or you can just follow a link) and schwupps… the app is ready to go.


Once you spread the word conduit also provides analytics and will send you a push notification when it is available in the stores.

1 Comment

  1. Results for week beginning 2012-01-08 « Iron Blogger Berlin
    January 14, 2012

    […] How to: Build your own App within 10 Minutes […]


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