Holiday: gadgets, books, movies and music

Holiday: gadgets, books, movies and music

Posted by: on May 18, 2014 | No Comments
NOTE: I’m currently experimenting with the affiliate program from Amazon.  Your feedback is very welcome

Going on holiday is a great thing! This is the time to start again reading books, long articles or listen to complicated podcast topics or: sleep, relax and do nothing.  I went on a great trip recently, a “there is no internet”-holiday. The selection of items and devices had to be done very wisely while upfront, so I spent some time on the selection.

This is what I did before I went to the to Egypt –> Basata, a very nice and smart Eco-Lodge.  It’s located on the Sinai (Red Sea) around 60 km north of Dahab. It is a very beautiful and special place, very relaxing and inspiring. I stayed in a beautiful hut without electricity just 4 meter away from the red sea.

When I go to Basata, I don’t just go to swim; I sit on the sand, sleep in the bamboo huts and lie on the beach watching the stars. No one is bumping into each other and you’ll be happy to meet and share stories with many people. ” (source)

Kaufen – Lesen – Verschenken

Kaufen – Lesen – Verschenken

Posted by: on Jan 20, 2012 | One Comment

This post is a review about a book, I’m recently reading on my brand new Kindle. Unfortunately it is available only in German language, so I’ll switch the language.