USB through the years:
FireWire 800 9-polig
FireWire 6-polig
USB micro
USB 1.1
USB 2.0
USB 3.0
Did I miss something?

Support Your Local Ghetto >–< Live Stream
We are right now testing a new enviroment for streaming:
21st of FEBRUARY 2014 at the lovely Panke in Berlin Wedding (22:00) (FB Event)
Plänterwald Berlin reloaded
The abandoned park in Berlin Treptow will be reopened. It’s a magic place with a strange history. Now a bunch of people started this Kickstarter Projekt, which is already fully backuped:
“……From June 28-July 1, 2012, Kulturpark will re-open an abandoned amusement park located in the sprawling Treptow Park in Berlin. Throughout the entire month of June, Kulturpark will host a creative investigation of this jungle of recent ruins that will embrace histories, illuminate presences, and imagine cultural futures. The Kulturpark project will activate this magical site as a place for creative exchange, site-specific art, urban design, historic memory, social connection, and public imagination….”
Fully backed:
“Retype Europe’s source code”
Campus Party Eiurope
This will happen in Berlin in August at the huge area of the former airport Tempelhof. 10.000 people will be expected. This sounds really great:
“…..Campus Party is the largest global technology festival where innovation, creativity, science and digital entertainment come together 24 hours a day for an entire week. We strive to create the largest geek community on earth, and encourage these campuseros to use their talent and expertise build a better world through technology. ….”