“Teenage Kicks” and again: John Peel
This was played at John Peels funeral:
(of course, I do have the vinyl…)
Yesterday I watched the John Peel documentary “The sound of the suburbs”. The guys from awesome Network Awesome where digging really deep in youtube land and made this weekend special with all 4 parts. I watched it and I just can say (again): John Peel, you are my super hero. Sometimes when I think omg… maybe you should stop doing all this shit and get serious.. In moments like this, John Peel is the right person to have as an idol. Innit?

John Peel
If there is a “hero” in my life, than its – of course – John Peel (Wikipedia Link). The legendary radio dj from UK who did radio shows for 37 years! Started with broadcasting offshore on the ship “Galaxy” for the pirate station Radio London until his final BBC show.