Quick take on the future of SoundCloud:

Posted by: on Aug 12, 2017 | No Comments

While Alex Ljung steps down as CEO of SoundCloud and moves on as chairman of the board a new CEO is coming in. Former Vimeo CEO Kerry Trainor replaces him. Mike Weissman will become COO as SoundCloud co-founder and CTO Eric Wahlforss stays as chief product officer.
Some thoughts:

Here is the news on the SoundCloud Blog:

more here:  Techcrunch / Recode

Here’s my quick take on the future of SoundCloud:

Vimeo.. actually this could go well. The toughest thing now, is to bring the raw diamond – called content – in shape. Together with a clever strategy for income, of course. Moving away from the idea to become the YouTube for audio or competing with the big ones, is the only way to succeed, by finding its own place in the music space. Fingers cross! It would be great for the steady growing number of independent artists. Now they have to find their own biz model. One option could be, to become the “role” of an aggregator. (there’s for sure money in it)

The music market is dividing right now. On one side are the majors and the big players (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Deezer, google music) competing with each other, doing stupid things like windowing and people are getting upset of it. Switching services to listen to this special episode of the podcast etc.. And than there are so many people / music lover out there.

The lean back kind of type of listeners, which just want good curated stuff,

which they do not get on the big services or very rarely. I’m not talking about Top 10 charts music, this segment is fully served. More interesting are the other people out there. And SoundCloud has amazing stuff but it’s very hard to find. As I said above, it could be the right time for this kind of chance….. and just imagine, how cool it would be, to get this service into some serious blockchain biz. Gread read: –> SoundCrowd: Tokenizing & Collectivizing SoundCloud

Lots to do and not sure how much time and cash there is. A complete redesign is necessary. SoundCloud feels like old lady iTunes (App) which hasn’t changed since it got first released. And of course it needs a big big portion of GOOD WILL OF THE MUSICINDUSTRY ….

Good Luck Soundcloud!

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