2 x Radio und viele Fragen zur CC Musik
Vor ein paar Wochen wurde ich von der Sendung Corso (Deutschlandradio Wissen) um ein kleines Statement zum Topic 10 Jahre MySpace gebeten. So radelte ich nach Westberlin zum Deutschlandfunk, setzte mich in eines der kleinen Aufnahmestudios und begann mit meinem Gastgeber in Köln, Adalbert Siniawski, über die guten alten MySpace Zeiten zu plaudern: (Link zur Sendung gilt nur bis 01.01.2014).
Kurze Zeit später hatte ich die Freude und Ehre für die Sendung Breitband (Deutschland Radio Kultur) ..
DJ Scientist for Solid Steel Radio
great sunday #earcandy –>
I was working the last 4 weeks pretty hard as Chief Organizer for the Startup Camp Berlin which was big big fun and a huge success. And this morning, after a very long, deep and dreamless sleep, I found this pretty #earcandy from DJ Scientist. A DJ and producer from Berlin whom I had the pleasure to have as guest at my support your local ghetto nights in Berlin.
“..On Solid Steel, we like to go deep and as part of our celebrations in Hour 2, we welcome DJ Scientist with Solid Soviet Steel Radio (SSSR), a special guest mix that solely features music from the former Soviet Union. The dedicated record collector, DJ and Equinox record label owner from Berlin managed to unearth and put together an extensive and fascinating selection of tracks from countries like the Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldavia, Russia and more, resulting in a unique musical adventure. The mix starts with a deep and slow psych part, coming up with more funk-laden Soviet grooves and killer instrumental breaks. Many of these groups managed to create their own kind of sound, mixing western styles like Jazz, Funk and Rock with traditional music from their own countries. You can get a full run down here https://www.facebook.com/djscientist1..”
Please check out as well his great Album: For Better, For Worse. You like DJ Shadow? You might like this aswell.

#earcandy – beautiful Mixtape
This is so sad – but so beautiful:
Music from:
Cat Stevens, Paul Weller, Jose Gonzalés, Smashing Pumpkins, Cat Power, Sufjan Stevens, Beatles, Doors, Tommy Guerrero and so many many more.. All packed in a wonderful 55 minutes mix. Thank you!
Listen after the jump:

#earcandy – DJ Y alias JY from Munich:
Sweet mashup made in munich: (Free DL)
Edit: Linked it to the mix as the original got deleted. Of course…