Quick take on the future of SoundCloud:

Quick take on the future of SoundCloud:

Posted by: on Aug 12, 2017 | No Comments

While Alex Ljung steps down as CEO of SoundCloud and moves on as chairman of the board a new CEO is coming in. Former Vimeo CEO Kerry Trainor replaces him. Mike Weissman will become COO as SoundCloud co-founder and CTO Eric Wahlforss stays as chief product officer.
Some thoughts:

Digital Music Trends

Posted by: on Feb 25, 2013 | One Comment

Last week I was invited to participate a discussion on the great Digital Music Trends (weekly Podcast) about germany and its music/tech scene together with Ryan Rauscher(Smix.lab, Futuremusiccamp), Barbara Hallama (Hallama.org) and Steffen Holly (Fraunhofer IDMT). You can find all the links to the stories in the show-notes here: http://bit.ly/dmt121notes.

I mentioned also that Bandcamp has a good chance to take over some shares from Soundcloud, as they offer direct sales AND the new fan feature. Yesternight I checked in at Bandcamp again and was totally fascinated by the fact that they show realtime stats. So you see, what people are buying right now, from where they are and if they spent more or less money. Definitely a company to watch out

Conclusion at the end of the talk, Andrea Leonelli asked us about innovate new startups out of germany and we couldn’t mention a single one. Blame it to the since years ongoing debate about licensing and copyright.

JunoDL offers affiliate program for Soundcloud DJ-Mixes

Posted by: on Jan 6, 2012 | One Comment

From now on its possible, to add direct links from the DJ Mix to the Juno Download Store and participate on the affiliate program.

5 fave online services for 2011

Posted by: on Jan 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

Instagram http://instagr.am/
I love it. Its so easy to share pics, get instant feedback or just to tell a story to your friends and followers. Sharing the pics individually with all the different social services makes it even more comofortable.  The drop of bitterness is that its still available for iPhone only. The pendant is EYEEM, its available also for Android. But the user experience is just not so smooth as with Instagram, so I’d rather stay with them.

AirBnB http://www.airbnb.com/Not many words necessary to say about this fantastic service. I can finance my carrier change plus I had the chance to meet so many cool people right in my house. Just great!

Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/
Stunning service for everything which is audio related. After I posted my latest mix I had more than 1.000 listeners within 2 weeks from all over the world. Nuff said. Ah… the search is horrible there.. but I’m sure they work in it 🙂

Gidsy http://gidsy.com/
This is a brandnew service where you can host or participate on activities in Berlin or New York organized by real people. Looking forward to do a Digital Fotocamera Tour but I’m also interested in a WordPress for Dummies Workshop or something food related. Next: Thinking about hosting something by myself.

Readmill http://readmill.com/
Share the books your read with friends and peers. When it comes to books and movies I’m always kind of helpless, cause I don’t know what to read / watch next. Readmill lets you share what you are reading on your reader / iPad. And it has nothing to do with the Kindle / Amazon – iBook Store walletgardens. You can convert every format and read it there.

So, what about google plus? I use it a lot and love my circles to get proper informations. But as longs as they are not able to integrate other services like Soundcloud (no direct to play option) or fotos sharing apps, where you can upload pictures directly to your profile google plus is not ready for top 5 in 2011.