#rp14 + Media Convention –> Nach-Schau
Die diesjährige re:publica fand ich ziemlich gelungen. Ich hatte mir im Vorfeld schon einige Sessions rausgepickt, die ich unbedingt sehen wollte aber vieles ergab sich wie immer auf solchen Konferenzen einfach im “Flow”. Was jetzt genau DAS Highlight war, kann ich gar nicht mehr sagen, dafür kuck ich mir (immer noch!) die Sessions an, die ich nicht live sehen konnte. BigUP RP-Crew: Das Hochladen ging echt fix!
Digital Music Trends
Last week I was invited to participate a discussion on the great Digital Music Trends (weekly Podcast) about germany and its music/tech scene together with Ryan Rauscher(Smix.lab, Futuremusiccamp), Barbara Hallama (Hallama.org) and Steffen Holly (Fraunhofer IDMT). You can find all the links to the stories in the show-notes here: http://bit.ly/dmt121notes.
I mentioned also that Bandcamp has a good chance to take over some shares from Soundcloud, as they offer direct sales AND the new fan feature. Yesternight I checked in at Bandcamp again and was totally fascinated by the fact that they show realtime stats. So you see, what people are buying right now, from where they are and if they spent more or less money. Definitely a company to watch out
Conclusion at the end of the talk, Andrea Leonelli asked us about innovate new startups out of germany and we couldn’t mention a single one. Blame it to the since years ongoing debate about licensing and copyright.