Press Pause Play

Posted by: on Jan 25, 2012 | No Comments

This video  is one of the most important documentaries of this time. It is a film about hope and fear in our digital culture. So many questions, so many ways. What is right? What is wrong? Where does it go? We are still at the beginning of this new era and we should not forget about this fact. Trial and Error is still the option.

“The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprecedented way, with unlimited opportunities.

But does democratized culture mean better art or is true talent instead drowned out? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay, a documentary film containing interviews with some of the world’s most influential creators of the digital era.”

You can download the standard version or buy an extended version on iTunes or Amazon. Please visit

PressPausePlay from House of Radon on Vimeo.

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