Project finished: Startup Camp 2017
From time to time I’m working for events as an event-manager. Back to the basics, that’s what I call this. Not working on content or strategy, just logistics and production. Here it’s all about people’s skills and talking to the different people involved in a project. Bringing everyone on track is one of the most challenging but also most rewarding things I know.

Startup Camp Berlin is a 2 days conference/camp with more than 1.200 participants in 2017. It started in 2004. (scb17 About… )
At the Startup Camp 2017 my job was to organize the service providers, like A/V technology, catering, trade fair requirements and the participants of this years EXPO, a last minute content/social media strategy and the production.
As we are all humans and have certain things in common nevertheless we are all different when it comes to communication. Getting things done with people who are working since 30 years or more at an institution with very strong hierarchies and very decent scheduled working time regulation, needs a different approach than talking to the catering people, technicians or participants of the event. Not to forget the team talk and the sometimes very agile coordination skills which are needed.
It’s all about making a remarkable event for all participants and stakeholders.
Its only about getting things done. Now.
You can’t postpone an event. Things have to be completed. Questions like: “Who did what wrong and why” are no questions in the moment things are happening. There is only one thing which counts: Getting it done, no matter how. Sometimes you have to carry 50 or more beer boxes through a super crowded audience and there is no one to help you. You can scream and shout but you have to do it. And you do it. You just fix it. Behind the scenes, you can cry and scream but then you go out again, do your job and the only goal is:
Making everyone happy: The person who is paying your invoice, the participants of the event and at least your soul.
Thank you Startup Camp 2017! It was a great pleasure. Thanks for the trust in me and my work and for following my ideas for some content strategy and trying out to stream the conference live. It will be released very soon on the new –> YouTube Channel
Day 1: 2 hours of sleep and happy as things are running smooth.
As you know me, here is nearly no post without any gadget stuff:
Since I have a new Garmin device (Garmin vivoactive HR / Amazon Link), here are some fun stats from the last days. Had to give up on my Pebble Time Steel as the company got sold to fitbit and they stopped producing the new one, which I already had pledged via Kickstarter. But that’s a different story….
ByeBye Pebble Time Steel