How to survive / thrive as an artist in the digital world
UPDATE –> Workshop dates: 2.06. and 9.06.2014 14:00 – 18:00 at Music Pool Berlin
I gave a little talk at the 1st Community Event of Music Pool Berlin. It was the teaser for some upcoming workshops I will do there. Great audience, lot of good questions in a packed room. After my presentation Henning from the music blog No Fear Of Pop talked about the joy of getting up to 250 songs a day and what are the best ways to get featured there (besides good music)
–> Conclusion: The music blog scene in Germany is VERY underdeveloped. Just have a look a the music print mags like Intro Mag, Rolling Stone or Musikexpress on the net. It’s like its 19998. Reviews as jpg-slideshow no links, nothing to listen to… (but this might be a topic for another blog post)
Check out the slides:
th. wagner
June 1, 2014not 2 have mentioned it: BRAVO! ^-.-,^
sharing means caring » what exactly am I doing?
June 6, 2014[…] workshops (how to survive as an artist in the digital age) doing trainings (blogging, soundcloud, audio-tools, dj-tools (Private, Piratenpartei Berlin) […]