
Posted by: on Oct 19, 2012 | No Comments

How to reach the right people, in the right moment with the right tools:

Crowdfunding has not yet arrived in everybody’s mind yet. A lot of critics and pessimism is heard, specially when it comes to local or small things. Here are 2 examples which might change this:


Saetchmo and the broken motherboard:
DJ Saetchmo is providing us every week a great radio show called the Echochamber. He is doing it for free and we are enjoying it for free, sometimes someone gives him some “flattr”s on his blog. Now it happened, that a part of his computer broke and as we are all sometimes really tight with money when exactly than a problem occurres. Yesternight, during the radioshow, Ronny aka Das Kraftfuttermischwerk had the brilliant idea to set up a project at betterplace .org project, to raise money (300,- Euro) and 2 hours later is was completed:

Betterplace Saetchmo Kraftfuttermischwerk



Distillery – Documentary about the oldest (still existing) german club in Leizpzig:

They opened the club in the beginning of the 90ies in the middle of east germany, in Leipzig. Their booking was similar to ours at the Ultraschall in Munich. As I was the booker for the Disko B artists we had a lot of business going on and it was always a pleasure to deal with them. I  also played in the club in the early 90ies when we had one of our Disko B Nights over there and I was really impressed about the club and its people. This club has survived until now even they had a lot of trouble and closing scenarios etc.  And:  they are still doing great bookings and trying out also new things and do not stuck in old 4/4 stuff.  Its a legend and now they want to make a documentary which is a great idea but they need money and what is obvious to do:

Ask your fans:

This was funded within 24 hours.  Here is the campaign on VisionBakery

These two cases are brilliant examples, that its possible to realize ideas, help each other without bureaucracy or involving banks and their creepy ideas. Its just a matter of how to reach the right people at the right moment with the right tools.





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