Weekly picks: KW 48

Weekly picks: KW 48

Posted by: on Dec 5, 2016 | No Comments

Articles, podcasts & videos from last week. Found in my reeder, stored in my get pocket:

Tschüß Facebook

Tschüß Facebook

Posted by: on Nov 12, 2016 | 2 Comments

Update 1 & 2
I’m on Facebook forever. At least it feels like this and I’m really happy about the time I spent there. I got back in touch with a lot of people I haven’t seen over the last years, even the last decades.

Don’t autopost from Facebook to Twitter (NEVER!)

Don’t autopost from Facebook to Twitter (NEVER!)

Posted by: on Jun 2, 2014 | No Comments

Twitter is a really amazing service. But if you are using it without any heart bleed it’s better NOT to use it. But you say now: “Oh… but I can share my Facebook Updates automatically to my Twitter Account and this will save me a lot of time”

Memolane, the better timeline

Memolane, the better timeline

Posted by: on Oct 13, 2012 | 3 Comments

Do you remember? Back in the days, when you where writing thoughts, ideas and exciting things which happened in a little book, the diary? Maybe locked with a little, cute lock. For you eyes only?
Yes, I also had this. And one day, when I moved myself and a lot of stuff from Munich to Hamburg I just forgot one box with all this calendars and little diaries….. So a lot of things, which happened in my life in the 80ies are kind of forgotten. But here comes Memolane. The way better timeline than the one in Facebook: