Weekly picks: KW 48

Posted by: on Dec 5, 2016 | No Comments

Articles, podcasts & videos from last week. Found in my reeder, stored in my get pocket:

Silicon Valley Has an Empathy Vacuum by Om Malik (The New Yorker)
“Silicon Valley’s biggest failing is not poor marketing of its products, or follow-through on promises, but, rather, the distinct lack of empathy for those whose lives are disturbed by its technological wizardry.”

Kühe auf der Weide, Barnim 2016 - BarbNerdy

Barnim – Brandenburg December 2016 (Pic by BarbNerdy)

Der Preis der Sicherheit von Constanze Kurz und Frank Rieger (FAZ) über die weitreichenden Folgen des Telekom Hacks:
“Wir brauchen keine „Cyber-Nato“. Wir brauchen ökonomische Anreize und rechtliche Regeln, die Sicherheit für alle über Profite stellen.”

I can’t just stand by and watch Mark Zuckerberg destroy the internet
by Quincy Larson
“Mark Zuckerberg — Facebook’s CEO — is probably the most powerful person alive today. He may even be the most powerful person ever. Traditionally, the president of the United States has been considered the most powerful person on Earth. After all, President Obama controls the most powerful military on the planet, and has considerable influence over the $18 trillion US economy.”

Why We’re Fated to be Lonely – The School of Life
Loneliness shouldn’t be seen as a strange aberration; it’s a basic feature of life we should make our peace with in good time.


And last not least I won the fight against the cold and my inner creep and went biking again. relive.cc automatically created a recap of the ride from my Strava recording.

Chorin Haus Fahrrad

Häuschen Träumchen – Chorin (BarbNerdy 2016)


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