Love Music not the German Musicbiz

Love Music not the German Musicbiz

Posted by: on Aug 28, 2017 | 2 Comments

It is a simple effort/effectiveness’ relationship analysis. I’m closing my #Musicbiz Page on Facebook and my Musicbiz Box on Scope. After 1,5 years, where I was highly motivated to change Germans Musicbiz Press landscape its time to look at the stats, to review and revise:

Quick take on the future of SoundCloud:

Quick take on the future of SoundCloud:

Posted by: on Aug 12, 2017 | No Comments

While Alex Ljung steps down as CEO of SoundCloud and moves on as chairman of the board a new CEO is coming in. Former Vimeo CEO Kerry Trainor replaces him. Mike Weissman will become COO as SoundCloud co-founder and CTO Eric Wahlforss stays as chief product officer.
Some thoughts:

Realitätsabgleich: Vinyl

Realitätsabgleich: Vinyl

Posted by: on Aug 4, 2017 | No Comments


Mit einem Marktanteil von gerade mal 4,5% wird derzeit Vinyl als  “Saviour of the Musicbiz” heiss gehandelt. Die Musikkassette, die in diesem Zusammenhang auch gern genannt wird, hat einen Marktanteil von 0,1% (Quelle BVMI)

Grund genug, mich auf einen Plausch mit  Marcus “Delfonic” zu treffen, um herauszufinden, was es damit auf sich hat.

1993: Vinyl ist für Gewinner (L’age D’or) – ein Abgesang

1993: Vinyl ist für Gewinner (L’age D’or) – ein Abgesang

Posted by: on Aug 22, 2016 | No Comments

In 1993 German Indie Label L’age D’or / Ladomat (1988 – 2007)  had stopped vinyl production due to high costs. (FB Page)

Kobalt, the new music company is disrupting the traditional music scene?

Kobalt, the new music company is disrupting the traditional music scene?

Posted by: on Jul 22, 2016 | No Comments

“It’s always a survival of the fittest, its capitalism”