Weekly picks: KW 49
Articles, podcasts, videos and music from last week. Found in my reeder, stored in my get pocket:
Pebble, Frank Thelen, TheFutureOfWhat Podcast (Musicbiz)
The Pebble Experience Through 2017
I love my Pebble Time Steel. I bought it exactly one year and since than it has been very rarely removed from my wrist. It works perfect with my iPhone. The battery lasts around 6 days and the only things it does is: Tracking sleep & steps and giving me the notifications from my phone with a nice and short vibration to my wrist. I don’t need to “write” on the little screen or do whatever. I just like the simpleness, sometimes I change the watch-face. That’s it. I was one of the first backers for the next edition, as it should include a heart rate zone which is great for doing exercises like spinning.
Bam! And than the news: FITBIT hast bought “assets” from Pebble and took over some of the devs. This means: The product is dead. Yesterday I received an email from Kickstarter, saying that my pledge has been refunded. Sad. So, whats next? I don’t want an Apple Watch. Too much money for a not really finished product.
„Null digitalisiert!“: Frank Thelen sieht schwarz für Deutschlands Chancen (Wired, Deutschland)
“WIRED: Woher kommt die Zurückhaltung in Sachen Digitalisierung bei deutschen Managern, die Sie unterstellen?
Thelen: Deren Ziel ist es lediglich, ihr Geschäft jährlich um zwei Prozent zu optimieren. Das Problem bei diesem Ansatz aber ist, dass irgendwann komplett neue Technologien auftauchen, die ganze Wirtschaftszweige auf den Kopf stellen.”
Warum die Musikbranche ein Frauenproblem hat (BR puls)
“Zusammen mit der GEMA hat PULS eine bisher einmalige Datenanalyse gemacht und die Urheber der 100 Songs nach Geschlecht unterschieden, die von 2001 bis 2015 die meisten Ausschüttungen aus Radioplays erhalten haben. Dabei geht es um diejenigendie hinter den Kulissen arbeiten, nicht um die, die auf der Bühne stehen.”
The Future of What Fantastic musicbiz podcast by Indie Label Kill Rock Stars
With the launch of Apple Music in 2015, the music industry saw a steep decline in digital downloads, and rumors flew about whether iTunes downloads would be phased out completely — one publication even wrote an obituary for the service. Streaming services are here to stay, but what will that mean for music downloads?Russ Crupnick (MusicWatch, Inc.)
Andrew Jervis (Bandcamp)
Ken Shipley (Numero Group)
Next week I will have a photographer and journalist here at my place to make pics of my records for the German MINT Magazin so I’m already thinking about possible questions and some answers:
nuff said. Pic from the fantastic book Dust & Grooves
Last week I had the pleasure to play a very short notice gig at YAAM Berlin (Danke !). Playing on a big and good soundsystem, jeiih!
And I had a chance to talk to the booker there about my fave HipHop, which you can finde here: