Tool time -> embed Video from Vine

Posted by: on Apr 18, 2013 | One Comment

Vine is a little iOS Video application where you can record 7 seconds videos with the iPhone. This video will be than becoming a loop so its like a little animated gif. The video has not be recorded in one take, you can make multiple steps. Really easy to use for e.g. unpacking videos or walks through your building etc.. It is a bit like instagram for little videos with friends and followers. Now finally they updated the version so you can embed it. It’s a fun application with a tons of use cases.

Here you can see the prints for my next support your local ghetto party  (26th of April) coming out of the printer:

1 Comment

  1. Results for week beginning 2013-04-15 | Iron Blogger Berlin
    April 22, 2013

    […] Tooltime: embed Video from Vine […]


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