My first wearable gadget: Misfit Shine
Its time to write a little summary about my first fitness tracker outside of an App. Oh wait. Actually it is an app with a hardware extension. A very beautiful one! It comes with a wristband (lost this within some weeks already) but it also comes with a very strong magnet, to clip it somewhere on the clothes. Unfortunately I lost it on the last activity I wanted to test it: Hiking. (see movie at the end of this post)

New Gadget: Misfit Shine
Why this?
I was looking for a wearable tracking thingi which tracks biking AND swimming in addition to the usual things like walking, running and sleeping. So I decided to go with the Misfit Shine which started first as a crowdfunding project on indigogo and went into production mode after the campaign got funded successful.

Holiday: gadgets, books, movies and music
NOTE: I’m currently experimenting with the affiliate program from Amazon. Your feedback is very welcome
Going on holiday is a great thing! This is the time to start again reading books, long articles or listen to complicated podcast topics or: sleep, relax and do nothing. I went on a great trip recently, a “there is no internet”-holiday. The selection of items and devices had to be done very wisely while upfront, so I spent some time on the selection.
This is what I did before I went to the to Egypt –> Basata, a very nice and smart Eco-Lodge. It’s located on the Sinai (Red Sea) around 60 km north of Dahab. It is a very beautiful and special place, very relaxing and inspiring. I stayed in a beautiful hut without electricity just 4 meter away from the red sea.
“When I go to Basata, I don’t just go to swim; I sit on the sand, sleep in the bamboo huts and lie on the beach watching the stars. No one is bumping into each other and you’ll be happy to meet and share stories with many people. ” (source)

Creating a list of email addresses with Cobook and Contacts App (osX)
I’m about to set up a newsletter and the first task here is to get all the contacts sorted. The goal: Having all email addresses in a plain .txt or .csv file. The challenge: The contacts are all over the place. A messy address book with duplicates and a hell lot of /not yet imported/contacts in zillions of emails. (osX 10.8, Mail 6.6 , Cobook and Contacts 7.1, both synched) How to get a list of email addresses from your contacts: Here is an easy one:

Evolution of DJing: From 1210er to iPad
Since the 80ies I’m collecting records and since 1991 I’m DJing with vinyl. Never did it with CD’s. I love the haptic of playing vinyl. Digging in the crates, pulling it out of the cover and putting it on the plate. Placing the needle, move the vinyl back and forth to find the start point, adjust the pitch to finally mix it into the song which is played on the other deck. I started DJing with Garage House, so mixing was even more important as there are not only beats but also vocals, melodies etc..

Tool time -> embed Video from Vine
Vine is a little iOS Video application where you can record 7 seconds videos with the iPhone. This video will be than becoming a loop so its like a little animated gif. The video has not be recorded in one take, you can make multiple steps. Really easy to use for e.g. unpacking videos or walks through your building etc.. It is a bit like instagram for little videos with friends and followers. Now finally they updated the version so you can embed it. It’s a fun application with a tons of use cases.
Here you can see the prints for my next support your local ghetto party (26th of April) coming out of the printer:

Downgrading to iTunes 10
–> Downgrading is the new Upgrading <–
Coded Narratives – Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez
Yesterday it was the day… I did a new installation of my OS and it happened. iTunes updated to version 11. Shocking! Since its release some month ago I tried to avoid it. It just didn’t fit with my routine how I work with multiple open playlists, sorting in playlists etc… I organize all my music for DJ’ing with Serato Itch in iTunes. So this is really an essential tool for me. Rumours where around, that it’s nearly impossible to downgrade back to 10. But….
Firefox – nice add ons: Tree Style Tab and kippt
Recently Safari had some unresolvable beach ball issues on my mac, so I went back to Firefox. Besides some standard extensions and add ons here are my 2 favourites for now:
Perfect organizer tool for tabs. It lets you collapse/expand all open tabs into sub trees. !! You will get addicted to it and its not available on any other browser..
A perfect tool for bookmarking/sharing articles and sites to the different channels. Besides sharing to twitter, facebook or tumblr (and more) by choosing manually the channel, i really like these services:
Pocket (formerly Read it Later) great offline reading modus. (Berlin subway “o2 can’t do” data transfer..) also very useful on Tweetbot OSX.
Buffer is a nice way to share links throughout the day. sharing means caring.
App.net I just started using it, lets see what will happen over there.

Support Your Local Ghetto
celebrate 2 Years anniversary: ✔
And it was great! So many happy faces and dancing feet. Thanks to the DJ’s –>

Bye Bye Memolane
Last year in october I wrote a little post about how much I like Memolane, the better timeline. And now? Its done. They closed the service. And with this dies the chance to find stuff I posted stuff to the internet (quickly) Sure I can find it somehow with much effort on the various services. Posterours also recently shut down its service. Didn’t used it much but it show again how quickly things can change and you have no control over it.
If you are into this daily memory email Timehop seems to do a decent job.