Netz-Kinder, Nerds und die “Jugendbewegung”
“Wir die Netz-Kinder” heisst ein wunderbarer Artikel in der “Zeit” des polnischen Dichters Piotr Czerski, der unter der CC-BY-SA-Lizenz steht. (Hier auch bei Netzpolitik).

ToDo Lists with Clear
ToDo Lists and Apps are a trending topic now. Everybody seems talking about the different methods, tools and gadgets for getting things done. (more…)

Quantified Self – Die Vermessung des Selbst
Du benutzt die Runkeeper App, kennst aber Deine Blutgruppe nicht? (more…)

Instagram meets Statigram
Instagram is one of the few services which I use already since: (more…)

Who put *interest* in Pinterest?
Since a few weeks a new service has launched as beta – invite only and created a lot of buzz here. It only took me half a day until i get an invite via the official site. Nice! Quickly many of my Twitter / Facebook friends arrived and started “pinning”. —> Overdosed (me)

New Mix
Recently I had a nice job as “Musical Director” for the award ceremony: “Megaphon Award” organised from “Jahrbuch der Werbung” where I compiled 2 hours of music, which was played in the background while the people arrive. Here you can listen to the 1st hour: (more…)

Press Pause Play
This video is one of the most important documentaries of this time. It is a film about hope and fear in our digital culture. So many questions, so many ways. What is right? What is wrong? Where does it go? We are still at the beginning of this new era and we should not forget about this fact. Trial and Error is still the option.
Ironblogger Berlin zu Gast bei Fritz – Trackback
Last saturday Nicole and I where at the Berlin Radio “Fritz” for the show Trackback to give some insights about the Ironblogger Berlin thing. Check it out on the Ironblogger Berlin Site. (German Language). There you will also find a great overview about all the posts and slackers in the previews weeks and… hurray some pics.