Kaufen – Lesen – Verschenken
This post is a review about a book, I’m recently reading on my brand new Kindle. Unfortunately it is available only in German language, so I’ll switch the language.

How to: Build your own App within 10 Minutes
You know how it is sometimes: You sit on the sofa and on one screen you “watch” a movie or something else and on the other side of the screen you scroll through your information channels.

BarbNerdy has an App:
Just scan the QR – Code with any reader (I really like Barcoo for iPhone) and save the App to your home screen. Thats it. How I made it without any coding? Will tell you. Soon.

New Year Resolutions?!
….. are crap. Not really, it somehow feels good to think about changing old beloved habits…….
Iron Blogger Berlin – Kick it :-)
Isn’t there a better motivation to not write blogposts on a regular basis, when you have a little competition? Yes…we are all humans, aren’t we? Lazy bastards… too much in our mind and too less time?? -> to accomplish all this things. So I was very happy, when I saw Nicole tweeting about –>Iron Blogger Berlin. Its just a bunch of people who agreed to write at least 1 blogpost a week in their own blog. No specific topic given. No writing means 5 Euro in cash to the box. If there is enough money in the box we gonna meet and drink.. YEAH!
I’m still setting up my new blog until its finished, this one will be the main info place. I decided to puplish all music related things to a new tumblr: Support Your Local Ghetto. There I’ll share mostly music related things. Reviews about music apps will stay here.
So, stay tuned. Its very exciting and challenging to set up my own blog. Searching for a theme seems to takes ages… adding widgets and plugins, removing them again and again…

7 Moments – a very simple way to share private pictures
You know this situation: Have been out with friends for a weekend or holiday and everyone took thousands of pictures which of course have to be shared with the group. And now the problem starts: How to share all the pics from all the different devices?
JunoDL offers affiliate program for Soundcloud DJ-Mixes
From now on its possible, to add direct links from the DJ Mix to the Juno Download Store and participate on the affiliate program.
Thats how it is:
It doesn’t matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop
– Wisdom of Confucius –> abgeschaut bei Tumblr