Plänterwald Berlin reloaded
The abandoned park in Berlin Treptow will be reopened. It’s a magic place with a strange history. Now a bunch of people started this Kickstarter Projekt, which is already fully backuped:
“……From June 28-July 1, 2012, Kulturpark will re-open an abandoned amusement park located in the sprawling Treptow Park in Berlin. Throughout the entire month of June, Kulturpark will host a creative investigation of this jungle of recent ruins that will embrace histories, illuminate presences, and imagine cultural futures. The Kulturpark project will activate this magical site as a place for creative exchange, site-specific art, urban design, historic memory, social connection, and public imagination….”
Fully backed:
“Retype Europe’s source code”
Campus Party Eiurope
This will happen in Berlin in August at the huge area of the former airport Tempelhof. 10.000 people will be expected. This sounds really great:
“…..Campus Party is the largest global technology festival where innovation, creativity, science and digital entertainment come together 24 hours a day for an entire week. We strive to create the largest geek community on earth, and encourage these campuseros to use their talent and expertise build a better world through technology. ….”
Mobile Blogging –>
UPDATED: some final thougts on the wordpress IOS App:
For the next days I have only access to the Internet via the iPhone. My MPB is at Gravis. Hopefully they can exchange the hard disk, I bought from them last year. Meanwhile I try to blog mobile via the WP iPhone IOS App and write everything down. (more…)

Plant an iPAD:
What a great idea! The main sponsors of the UX Camp Europe 2012 in Berlin – Adlershof, USEEDS, are giving away a little package with seeds. And sometime in september, when they are doing their houswarming party at their new office somewhere in Berlin, the gardener with the prettiest plant gets an iPad. Fingers cross! (more…)

Streaming vs. Downloading reloaded….
in 2010 I organized a panel for the A2N conference in Berlin which was called: ——> “Stop digitizing your record collection? Access vs. Ownership” (here) (more…)

Noch nie war es so einfach…
..für Künstler ihren Shit unter die Leute zu bringen. Oder: Das Internet ist nicht mein Feind. So lautete die Headline des Panels auf dem ich zur re:publica 2012 eingeladen wurde und an der Seite von tollen Menschen auch etwas zu sagen durfte.

The story of my avatar
…I’m using it already since hmm… 2009 and here is the story about the artist 1010. I shot it here:
Munich calling…
…. mein nächster Job verschlägt mich nach München. Die Stadt in der ich schon mal 12 Jahre lang gelebt habe. Damals…