Spezlwirtschaft? (women in music / tech)
This article was read and discussed many times and on different (mostly closed) platforms. Unfortunately not here. Whatever.. here is one outcome: The international network FEMALE PRESSURE, I’m part of already since hmm… mid 90ies, started a soundcloud group and a FB page. And more to come…
(Spezlwirtschaft = Lobbying)
With the rising discussion about how to get more women in tech or how to get more women as speakers in conferences its time to ask the same question in the music scene, again. This question is so old…but it hadn’t changed much, right? Sure, there are more male musicians / DJs out there than female. It always was. But when it comes to club or festival bookings the relation of male/female musicians doesn’t even reflect this little amount. And this is what needs to be changed. Maybe it has more to do with the so called “Spezlwirtschaft”? Which means inner circle networking or lobbying. But call it whatever you want. The absence of females is obvious.
A huge festival like Club Transmediale which happens now in Berlin made it happen, that is only 1 female musician (maybe I have overlooked one or two..) final counting –> 6 female artists did a music performance participating. Dudes!!!! We have 2013 and you really make us to bring up the mad discussion about “do we need a quota?” again. I’m against it. Cause I want to be booked cause of my music and not cause of the fact I have 2 titties. But If you do not start digging deeper and check out the fantastic female musicians out there (oh yes, dear wired mag, I’m also talking to you!) we need a quota just to gain more attention. And this sucks. Just for the record: I don’t talk about this things: “Hey we are doing a female only party, release etc..)
Dear fellow blogger, booker, curators. Please open your eyes and your ears. Dig a little deeper and you will be very surprised how many cool stuff you will find once you’ve left the circle of your comfort zone. Help us to gain more attention. You know that a mixed situation is always way more interesting than sticking to your old boys club.
So, lets grab some ideas how to change the situation. Lets rock!
Here is an idea from the conference scene, a pledge for more mixed panels/conferences. The idea is, that before you (male or female) agree to take part on a conference make sure there are also women. If you can’t find any, say no. Hmm.. What do you think, does it also work in music?
Aprica: Ein Versprechen gegen frauenlose Panels (Deutsch)
I’m also looking for female artists for my “support your local ghetto” nights, which are taking place every last friday of the month in Berlin at the lovely Panke. Bass Music Artists. Please send me your stuff..

Support Your Local Ghetto goes Vorspiel
Friday, 25th of January:
“Support Your Local Ghetto” at the lovely Panke in Berlin is part of the reSource 003: P2P Vorspiel event. It is a pre-festival weekend of distributed partner events preceding the opening of transmediale 2013 BWPWAP – Back When Pluto Was a Planet and CTM.13 – THE GOLDEN AGE through a dissemination of projects including exhibition openings, workshops, talks, performances and parties outside the main venues of either festival. (more…)

Dilo – the nice little translation App
One of the apps which I use on a daily base already since a very long time, is this one: DILO. It is an application to lookup German <-> English, German <-> French, German <-> Spanish and German <-> Turkish words in public dictionaries to get a translation in the other language, respectively –> (more…)

SIXYRS – Happy 6 Years Blogrebellen!
Bass will save us all! We didn’t search for each other but we found us, yeah! BarbNerdy und das “support you local ghetto” möchten ganz herzlich den Blogrebellen gratulieren –>
Echochamber “Auswärtsspiel” –> earcandy
The #Echochamber last week (10th of Jan) was streamed from my home on my own. No recording but it was really exciting. (Tracklist below)
–> Grammatik vs. The Beatles
Here are the tracks:
“Teenage Kicks” and again: John Peel
This was played at John Peels funeral:
(of course, I do have the vinyl…)
Yesterday I watched the John Peel documentary “The sound of the suburbs”. The guys from awesome Network Awesome where digging really deep in youtube land and made this weekend special with all 4 parts. I watched it and I just can say (again): John Peel, you are my super hero. Sometimes when I think omg… maybe you should stop doing all this shit and get serious.. In moments like this, John Peel is the right person to have as an idol. Innit?
Ted Talk: Amy Cuddy about body language
“…Amy Cuddy’s research on body language reveals that we can change other people’s perceptions — and even our own body chemistry — simply by changing body positions…”
Great advice for situations which seems to be not very comfortable. Just boost your testosterone level some minutes before. Worth giving it a try. Watch out, Amy talks very emotional and intense:
earcandy –> Dr. Dre – Still D.R.E
beautiful Shlohmo style refix, made by Shatterhors
Happy New Year 2013
[Pic taken in Austria in 2012| maybe the best pic I ever taken] no filter… no editing
I just changed some settings here in the theme with a little help from Chriss to make it easier and faster to post on the fly. The wordpress app seems to work nicely now after the latest update and all the stuff I’m posting to tumblr can also live in here. Cause I’m back with this Ironblogger Berlin thing. Regular posts every week or pay for beer.
Lets see what will happen. I’m truly excited. (like always…)

How to do Mixtapes:
I wrote a little bit how to do the mixtape series “sharing means caring” and what is my personal challenge to compile “music for special events” As I’m not a producer but a digger this is even more challenging to find the right music for the soundsystem, the venue and finally also for the people and for the sort of event. (dance floor / background music) So, my biggest dream would be to create the music for a fashion show. Read everything and find the links to all my mixes HERE.