How to reach the right people, in the right moment with the right tools:
Crowdfunding has not yet arrived in everybody’s mind yet. A lot of critics and pessimism is heard, specially when it comes to local or small things. Here are 2 examples which might change this:
Saturday in Berlin
a chilled and sunny afternoon cruising with the bike through Berlin. Here are some street art pics. (tried out the WP NextGen Gallery Plugin)

Memolane, the better timeline
Do you remember? Back in the days, when you where writing thoughts, ideas and exciting things which happened in a little book, the diary? Maybe locked with a little, cute lock. For you eyes only?
Yes, I also had this. And one day, when I moved myself and a lot of stuff from Munich to Hamburg I just forgot one box with all this calendars and little diaries….. So a lot of things, which happened in my life in the 80ies are kind of forgotten. But here comes Memolane. The way better timeline than the one in Facebook: (more…)

John Peel
If there is a “hero” in my life, than its – of course – John Peel (Wikipedia Link). The legendary radio dj from UK who did radio shows for 37 years! Started with broadcasting offshore on the ship “Galaxy” for the pirate station Radio London until his final BBC show. (more…)

music recommendations: a panel at Campus Party Europe:
Music recommendations is one of my fave topics and I’m always on the hunt for checking out new services. So it was a very big honor to have the possibility to moderate a panel: “The Future of Music is Social” at this crazy event: Campus Party Europe which happened last week in Berlin’s former Airport Tempelhof. (I was also working for it as Ambassador Music and Stagemanager, more about this in the next post) Unfortunately the sound (acoustics) at the panel was really bad. I lost the discussion at a certain stage. But after I watched the video I think its a start of a really cool discussion around the topic: automated vs. human recommendation. Peter Kirn already suggested to make a follow up on this topic via email, which he will publish on create digital music. (love this idea!) Read more about our discussion and watch the video after the jump –> (more…)

Satta Outside Festival
Just returned from a trip to Lithuania which had its peak at the wonderful Satta Outside Festival in Sventoi in Lithuenia. After visiting the countryside and the lovely city Vilnius we headed to the baltic coast to the festival. On Friday night at 9:00 PM I had my slot and what can I say… it was banging. Thank you! The audience was a the dream of every DJ. And here is my set. Its totally weird… as usual.. Starts with Beatz, Dub, Trap and ended in UK Garage Style… (listen after the klick) (more…)

Juke / Footwork / Trap
Recently at the Fusion Festival I found myself dancing to some very familiar sounding beats, called Juke or Footwork presented by DJ Slick Shoota from Norway. Back in the days (1994?) we call it Ghetto Tech and it was released on labels like: DanceMancia / Traxx Record (Chicago) The quality of these Dance Mania vinyls was crap.. mostly… (more…)

Already some months ago I heard of Drip.FM via Ghostly Records and Stones Throw Records. Its a subscription service for labels which was the idea of Sam Valenti (ghostly records) and Miguel Senquiz. (Read the story at “Your hidden potential UK“) And yesterday i got an invitation, so I had the chance to test it. Its great! –> (more…)

website of the week:
because I still use flickr. since such a long time. I’m a pro-user who pays every year 24,95$ but the site has not seeing any major updates since ages. but we all still use it. so: (more…)

“Support Your Local Ghetto” in July:
Next “Support Your Local Ghetto” at lovely Panke will be a concert, an exhibition and a bass-driven musical journey inclusive “don’t call it world” in the bar. Its on the 27th of July and an alternative band from Iran is playing before we start as usual the dj – night at the bar. (FB Event here)Read more what happened: (more…)