Firefox – nice add ons: Tree Style Tab and kippt
Recently Safari had some unresolvable beach ball issues on my mac, so I went back to Firefox. Besides some standard extensions and add ons here are my 2 favourites for now:
Perfect organizer tool for tabs. It lets you collapse/expand all open tabs into sub trees. !! You will get addicted to it and its not available on any other browser..
A perfect tool for bookmarking/sharing articles and sites to the different channels. Besides sharing to twitter, facebook or tumblr (and more) by choosing manually the channel, i really like these services:
Pocket (formerly Read it Later) great offline reading modus. (Berlin subway “o2 can’t do” data transfer..) also very useful on Tweetbot OSX.
Buffer is a nice way to share links throughout the day. sharing means caring. I just started using it, lets see what will happen over there.

Support Your Local Ghetto
celebrate 2 Years anniversary: ✔
And it was great! So many happy faces and dancing feet. Thanks to the DJ’s –> (more…)
Dave the Chimp: The Human Beeings
36tv: the human beings from 36tv on Vimeo.
Here are some shots I made in XBerg some years ago, I called them: KartoffelMännchen… 🙂

GEMA –> meine 2 Cent:
Gema muss sterben (= entmonopolisiert werden).
FACT: Wir brauchen Verwertungsgesellschaft(en) und wir brauchen ein neues Urheberrecht. Künstler müssen Geld für ihre Arbeit bekommen, wenn sie kommerziell genutzt wird.
DJ Scientist for Solid Steel Radio
great sunday #earcandy –>
I was working the last 4 weeks pretty hard as Chief Organizer for the Startup Camp Berlin which was big big fun and a huge success. And this morning, after a very long, deep and dreamless sleep, I found this pretty #earcandy from DJ Scientist. A DJ and producer from Berlin whom I had the pleasure to have as guest at my support your local ghetto nights in Berlin.
“..On Solid Steel, we like to go deep and as part of our celebrations in Hour 2, we welcome DJ Scientist with Solid Soviet Steel Radio (SSSR), a special guest mix that solely features music from the former Soviet Union. The dedicated record collector, DJ and Equinox record label owner from Berlin managed to unearth and put together an extensive and fascinating selection of tracks from countries like the Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldavia, Russia and more, resulting in a unique musical adventure. The mix starts with a deep and slow psych part, coming up with more funk-laden Soviet grooves and killer instrumental breaks. Many of these groups managed to create their own kind of sound, mixing western styles like Jazz, Funk and Rock with traditional music from their own countries. You can get a full run down here”
Please check out as well his great Album: For Better, For Worse. You like DJ Shadow? You might like this aswell.

Bye Bye Memolane
Last year in october I wrote a little post about how much I like Memolane, the better timeline. And now? Its done. They closed the service. And with this dies the chance to find stuff I posted stuff to the internet (quickly) Sure I can find it somehow with much effort on the various services. Posterours also recently shut down its service. Didn’t used it much but it show again how quickly things can change and you have no control over it.
If you are into this daily memory email Timehop seems to do a decent job. (more…)
This is what republica sent out today to people who applied at the call for paper:
Please note anyways: the number of speakers (including the moderator) cannot exceed five and at least half of the team should be female – so start to think about alternatives if needed, whilst we go on matching all the fantastic pitches with our grid.
Do you know how I feel now when I got asked to participate at a panel? As QuotenFrau. Am I missing something out here?
Happy 2nd anniversary lovely Panke!
L.O.V.E. you! Thank you Erika and Justas for opening such a lovely place for all the great people with fantastic ideas, music and art!
Lets celebrate on Friday, 1st March – Panke –>Berlin/Wedding:
(FB Event) –> Panke people!
It has been two years since we opened! For our birthday celebreation we brought back the oringial musical lineup from the very first party with special guests support. Join us!
Jahtari Riddim Force LIVE
w/ Paul St. Hilaire (Tikiman)
Rootah & Dressla (Jahtari, LE)
Dubfish & Ben Jammin (Peacetime, Bln)
Robert Henke: Fragile Territories
in Nantes November 2012
“…Four powerful white laser beams draw a floating white object on a thirty meter wide and six meter high wall in a completely dark hall, slowly evolving shapes, edges and curves of shimmering, pulsating light……
The visual and the auditive component are created in realtime using statistic and stochastic algorithms. As a result, the duration of the work is infinite and it never repeats. Due to the complex nature of the code and its embedded randomness, it is quite impossible to predict future states. However, additional rules within the program ensure that the installation cannot ‘explode’ or ‘fade away’ but instead always swings back into a more or less stable state after it reaches certain boundaries….”
more –> Robert Henke
Digital Music Trends
Last week I was invited to participate a discussion on the great Digital Music Trends (weekly Podcast) about germany and its music/tech scene together with Ryan Rauscher(Smix.lab, Futuremusiccamp), Barbara Hallama ( and Steffen Holly (Fraunhofer IDMT). You can find all the links to the stories in the show-notes here:
I mentioned also that Bandcamp has a good chance to take over some shares from Soundcloud, as they offer direct sales AND the new fan feature. Yesternight I checked in at Bandcamp again and was totally fascinated by the fact that they show realtime stats. So you see, what people are buying right now, from where they are and if they spent more or less money. Definitely a company to watch out
Conclusion at the end of the talk, Andrea Leonelli asked us about innovate new startups out of germany and we couldn’t mention a single one. Blame it to the since years ongoing debate about licensing and copyright.