2013 Internet Trends: The Big Picture
It is always good to look at the big picture. Here is the very well-known Trend Report from VC Mary Meekers with a lot of world-wide stats about internet usage, mobile growth, sharing and many more. The growth of services I’m using every day like Instagram, Soundcloud, Flickr compared to the worldwide stats. For someone who is interested in Future Strategies a very important knowledge base:
Picture of the day
In the beginning of 2000 my boyfriend at this time – who had no mobile phone but a camera – told me, he will get a mobile phone when this can also make brilliant pics. Not sure if he has an iPhone meanwhile…..
Pic taken with an IPhone 4GS. Thats all
Am Wochenende hatte ich das Vergnügen beim “Hedonistischen Weltkongress der Internationale 2013” dabei zu sein. Unter anderem hielt dort Jean Peters vom Peng-Collective einen Talk “Communication Guerilla and Adbusting – F* them smoothly!” und zeigte dabei auch dieses Filmchen, das ich vor ein paar Wochen schon einmal in diesem Internetz entdeckt hatte:
–> “AGRAPROFIT – Der Kurzfilm dokumentiert eine Guerilla Aktion, die im September 2012 auf dem Wochenmarkt einer deutschen Großstadt durchgeführt wurde. Das fiktive Unternehmen „Agraprofit” ist neu auf dem Markt und hat ein innovatives Verkaufskonzept: Billige Produkte und gleichzeitig volle Transparenz der Produktionskette. Es konfrontiert die Kundschaft dezent lächelnd mit den Produktions- und Handelsbedingungen der angebotenen Billiglebensmittel. Schilder zeigen, was hinter den Produkten steckt: Zum Beispiel “Kinderarbeit? – Dann sind sie wenigstens weg von der Straße!”.
Auf Nachfrage meinte Jean Peters, über den ganzen Tag verteilt seien sie nur von 4 Personen richtig verstanden worden, eine davon kommt auch im Film vor:
Hintergründe / Infos unter Agrar Profit
Im Solar Kino mitten im Wald am See gabs später noch “Exit through the Giftshop” von Banksy.
Infos und Links aus meinem Vortrag gibts in einem separaten Post.
Berlin: Abandoned Sport- and Congress Center
Today it was again very grey, cold and rainy but instead of staying home I went on a little trip with friends and my new bike. Suddenly I had a flat tire and we started walking, so we came along at this amazing old empty space. Its a a former sport- and congress center which was in use between 1954 – 1991. Later it was used for a TV film set. Right now its just there. And of course everything is closed and blocked with boards. (more pics from some years ago: modernruins.de and some infos yout the building: TheOstWorld)
curious how it looks inside? —> (more…)
Die wilden Wurzeln des World Wide Web
update: this video is set to private now…gonna try to find another link. ARTE of course has depublished it already.
Eine wunderbare Dokumentation über das Internet, so wie wir es kennen. Bis jetzt –>
Interview: WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg
update (21st.May 2013)
Yahoo has bought Tumblr and Flickr (also yahoo) has a new design and pricing. So even more interesting to see, what will happen with WordPress. Read here an article at the guardian about “Could WordPress be the next Tumblr”
Venture TV recently had a chance to talk to WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg. As I’m using WordPress already since a long time, this should be in here:

–> Support Your Local Ghetto <--
24th of april ->its time again for lovely Bass music at the lovely PANKE in Berlin/Wedding:
This time we gonna go BIG and have 2 fantastic live acts playing – in the big room on the booom sound system:
KRTS (NYC, Project: Mooncircle)
Malton (BLN, Project: Mooncircle, Finest Ego, Project Squared, hhv.de)
JGB – (Lithuania – MondayJazz)
BarbNerdy (BLN, support your local ghetto)
FB event

Tool time -> embed Video from Vine
Vine is a little iOS Video application where you can record 7 seconds videos with the iPhone. This video will be than becoming a loop so its like a little animated gif. The video has not be recorded in one take, you can make multiple steps. Really easy to use for e.g. unpacking videos or walks through your building etc.. It is a bit like instagram for little videos with friends and followers. Now finally they updated the version so you can embed it. It’s a fun application with a tons of use cases.
Here you can see the prints for my next support your local ghetto party (26th of April) coming out of the printer: (more…)

Waiting for Spring
Today was the first day this year I took my bike and went for a ride. From Prenzlauer Berg up north-west to a wonderful area called Berliner Barnim (Tegeler Fließ). Beautiful 40 km slow ride, through the beautiful and rough nature. Some places still covered with snow and a lot of mud. But the sun was shining and the birds where singing. A perfect day after this really long winter. Pics –> (more…)

Downgrading to iTunes 10
–> Downgrading is the new Upgrading <–
Coded Narratives – Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez
Yesterday it was the day… I did a new installation of my OS and it happened. iTunes updated to version 11. Shocking! Since its release some month ago I tried to avoid it. It just didn’t fit with my routine how I work with multiple open playlists, sorting in playlists etc… I organize all my music for DJ’ing with Serato Itch in iTunes. So this is really an essential tool for me. Rumours where around, that it’s nearly impossible to downgrade back to 10. But…. (more…)