Support Your Local Ghetto >–< Live Stream
We are right now testing a new enviroment for streaming:
21st of FEBRUARY 2014 at the lovely Panke in Berlin Wedding (22:00) (FB Event)
Hier wird ein Sch(lo)eiss gebaut
Yesterday night I was biking along the building lot of the very controversial discussed rebuilding of the Berlin City Castle and found this really cool “Slogan busting”:

DJ Tools workshop with Mad Zach
UPDATE: Pre-Registering here
The Mad Method
Have you ever wished there was a more musical way to make beats than hunching over your computer programming in every little part?
On the 27th of September we will do a “hands on” workshop at Panke Culture e.V. with the infamous live beat maestro, Mad Zach (of DJ TechTools, San Francisco). (more…)

ChillOut, Baby!
I got invited to play a 4 hour DJ set on sunday afternoon at the Indian Spirit Festival 2013 . It was great! People where chilling and the huge sound system blasted the music also outside the tent where people chilling. In 4 hours you can easily do a lot of things (songs) including playing three tracks from Shigeto in a row but also giving the music enough space to feel the entire beauty.
I added this mixes not to my soundcloud cause some of the tracks where already mixed in previous mixes there. And my mixcloud needs a bit of love! DL available for the next 7 days.
Here are the recordings: (more…)

2 x Radio und viele Fragen zur CC Musik
Vor ein paar Wochen wurde ich von der Sendung Corso (Deutschlandradio Wissen) um ein kleines Statement zum Topic 10 Jahre MySpace gebeten. So radelte ich nach Westberlin zum Deutschlandfunk, setzte mich in eines der kleinen Aufnahmestudios und begann mit meinem Gastgeber in Köln, Adalbert Siniawski, über die guten alten MySpace Zeiten zu plaudern: (Link zur Sendung gilt nur bis 01.01.2014).
Kurze Zeit später hatte ich die Freude und Ehre für die Sendung Breitband (Deutschland Radio Kultur) ..

Jim Avignon + Neoangin in Berlin
Support Your Local Ghetto” is very delighted to present Jim Avignon’s art and his band Neoangin at the lovely Panke in Berlin Wedding on August 15th. Jim will bring along his Brazilian friend Carlos Dias, a painter with his project “drawing exchange”
Expect a great exhibition, the air heavy with the smell of fresh and possibly still wet paint and a fantastic concert of his project Neoangin. We love his art–think pop art with a heavy dose of cynicism and criticism, which you will also find in his music.

Evolution of DJing: From 1210er to iPad
Since the 80ies I’m collecting records and since 1991 I’m DJing with vinyl. Never did it with CD’s. I love the haptic of playing vinyl. Digging in the crates, pulling it out of the cover and putting it on the plate. Placing the needle, move the vinyl back and forth to find the start point, adjust the pitch to finally mix it into the song which is played on the other deck. I started DJing with Garage House, so mixing was even more important as there are not only beats but also vocals, melodies etc.. (more…)
Abandoned building –> Kabelwerk Köpenick
Some weeks ago I was on a bike trip and suddenly I passed by the Kabelwerk Köpenick. I couldn’t resist and went closer and stayed in there for hours cause it (was) really beautiful to watch this peaceful place where the nature already took over a lot of this huge old building. (All pics of this trip are on BarbNerdy s flickr)
Read more about this place and the resent fire wich sadly damaged some parts of the massive
complex–> Digital Kosmonaut
curious? lets go
Wie die Daten durchs Netz reisen
Sehr schöne Visualisierung von Opendatacity, die übrigens auch die Datenströme der letzten re:publica aufgezeichnet hatten. re:log opendatacity
Germany, July 2013
Germany just declined to give Snowden political asylum. And Jacob Appelbaum was asking in the beginning of the talk: “And why are you not rioting on the streets?”. Good question. I think we are all totally not able to see how big all this spy attacks are and how they will affect each and every one of us.
See here the talk he gave yesterday at the “Netzpolitischer Abend” organized by Berlins “Digitale Gesellschaft” at the c-base:
more talks he gave here in Berlin, I highly recommend watching these videos aswell:
Jacob Appelbaum 29C3 Keynote: Not My Department (12.2012)
Jacob Appelbaum talks to Dimitri Kleiner: re:publica 2012 – Resisting the Surveillance State and its network effects