New Gadget: Misfit Shine
Why this?
I was looking for a wearable tracking thingi which tracks biking AND swimming in addition to the usual things like walking, running and sleeping. So I decided to go with the Misfit Shine which started first as a crowdfunding project on indigogo and went into production mode after the campaign got funded successful. (more…)

do all things with love
Its time to write a bit about what am I doing. Since I left the safe cage of being an employee a lot of very cool things happened. I was working tied to a company most time of my life. Right after school I started working as a technical draftswoman, than I was a bouncer (Munich – Wunderbar), started DJ’ing and suddenly I became a booker/promoter and my career in the music biz started. (1992) After my job as editorial Chief for iTunes (2008) ended, my focus was on learning as much as possible about internet related things and went to a lot of conferences and barcamps. (more…)

Don’t autopost from Facebook to Twitter (NEVER!)
Twitter is a really amazing service. But if you are using it without any heart bleed it’s better NOT to use it. But you say now: “Oh… but I can share my Facebook Updates automatically to my Twitter Account and this will save me a lot of time” (more…)

#rp14 + Media Convention –> Nach-Schau
Die diesjährige re:publica fand ich ziemlich gelungen. Ich hatte mir im Vorfeld schon einige Sessions rausgepickt, die ich unbedingt sehen wollte aber vieles ergab sich wie immer auf solchen Konferenzen einfach im “Flow”. Was jetzt genau DAS Highlight war, kann ich gar nicht mehr sagen, dafür kuck ich mir (immer noch!) die Sessions an, die ich nicht live sehen konnte. BigUP RP-Crew: Das Hochladen ging echt fix! (more…)

The 10 Algorithms That Dominate Our World
Very good read over there at io9.com
Google search, Amazon and the Facebook rank are obvious but also high frequency stock trading and file compressing like we have it in mp3. And even Auto-tune is based on algorithms. (more…)
The future of the concept of clothing
“The Next Black’ is a documentary film that explores the future of clothing. Watch as we meet with some of the most innovative companies on the planet to get their opinion on clothing and its future, including: heroes of sustainability, Patagonia; tech-clothing giants, Studio XO; sportswear icon, adidas; and Biocouture, a consultancy exploring living organisms to grow clothing and accessories.”
–> A project by german company AEG: more

Holiday: gadgets, books, movies and music
NOTE: I’m currently experimenting with the affiliate program from Amazon. Your feedback is very welcome
Going on holiday is a great thing! This is the time to start again reading books, long articles or listen to complicated podcast topics or: sleep, relax and do nothing. I went on a great trip recently, a “there is no internet”-holiday. The selection of items and devices had to be done very wisely while upfront, so I spent some time on the selection.
This is what I did before I went to the to Egypt –> Basata, a very nice and smart Eco-Lodge. It’s located on the Sinai (Red Sea) around 60 km north of Dahab. It is a very beautiful and special place, very relaxing and inspiring. I stayed in a beautiful hut without electricity just 4 meter away from the red sea.
“When I go to Basata, I don’t just go to swim; I sit on the sand, sleep in the bamboo huts and lie on the beach watching the stars. No one is bumping into each other and you’ll be happy to meet and share stories with many people. ” (source) (more…)

How to survive / thrive as an artist in the digital world
UPDATE –> Workshop dates: 2.06. and 9.06.2014 14:00 – 18:00 at Music Pool Berlin
I gave a little talk at the 1st Community Event of Music Pool Berlin. It was the teaser for some upcoming workshops I will do there. Great audience, lot of good questions in a packed room. (more…)

3 Years Local Ghetto – making parties
What started with a regular DJ gig at the lovely Panke, quickly became my very own party series. With all the joy but also the duties a party is coming along with. All parties I organized in the past where super cool and music wise also very ahead (“me and my 5 friends”). Moneywise it was always risky but there was always a regular job, where some cash came in. One reason to make parties was that this was the only possibility to hear + play my favorite music AND to make people happy with it. And this is what happens every months at the Support Local Ghetto Parties. This is it, why I still do it.

Creating a list of email addresses with Cobook and Contacts App (osX)
I’m about to set up a newsletter and the first task here is to get all the contacts sorted. The goal: Having all email addresses in a plain .txt or .csv file. The challenge: The contacts are all over the place. A messy address book with duplicates and a hell lot of /not yet imported/contacts in zillions of emails. (osX 10.8, Mail 6.6 , Cobook and Contacts 7.1, both synched) How to get a list of email addresses from your contacts: Here is an easy one: (more…)